
Is Our Poor Diet to Blame for School Shootings? This Woman Says Maybe

Surely it can’t be the guns.

Our diet in this country isn’t the best. Given that we pour sugar into basically every single packaged food we make, and that we’re so overworked that we end up buying food instead of making it, it’s not exactly surprising that less than 2% of us eat an “ideal diet.”

Diets like ours can have consequences. According to this lady, one of those consequences could be “becoming a school shooter.”

To be clear, there’s literally zero evidence for this, and while changing your diet can improve your behavior in some ways, there’s no credible research saying that all Dylan Klebold needed was a few more slices of multigrain bread. But if you want to hear this woman claim that all your child needs to stop himself from ripping through his classmates with an AK is a little bit of fiber, go ahead!


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