
‘Is Keanu Reeves a Vampire?’: 'Immortal Keanu Reeves' Conspiracy Explained

We're taking a look into the conspiracy theory that actor Keanu Reeves is in reality a vampire who will live forever.

The main basis for this theory, and a fairly compelling argument is the number of famous historical figures that bear a striking resemblance to Keanu. Doppelgängers include Charlemagne, 'Portrait of a Man', James Russell Lowell, and Paul Mounet. All well-known figures who existed at different centuries from each other. Is it possible that Keanu Reeves keeps being reincarnated?

Keanu himself has been asked about his look-alikes numerous times in interviews and on late night shows. Jimmy Fallon did an entire segment with the actor comparing all of these historical faces to Keanu's. It is telling that out of all the times it has been mentioned, not once has the actor denied that he's immortal.

Who am I to argue with John Wick?


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