
Irish Boxer Goes Off On Live TV After Being Robbed By Olympics Judges

Ireland's Michael Conlan doesn't hold back after he was robbed of a victory by Olympic judges. There have been many allegations in the Rio Olympics Boxing about Russians buying wins. Do you think he was cheated out of a win?

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Interviewer: Michael (Conlan) You have a lot to get off your chest after that?

MC: Yeah, AIBA (The International Boxing Association) are cheats. The fucking cheats. Eh, it's not about that, that's me done. I'll never box for AIBA again. They're cheating bastards, they're paying everybody. And I don't give a fuck if I'm cursing on TV. And retaining this here, I was here to win Olympic gold, my dreams been shattered now. But y'know what? I've a big career ahead of me. And these ones? They're know for being cheats. And they'll always be cheats. Amateur boxing stinks. From the core right to the top.
Categories: Wow Sports

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