
Internet Once Again Not Having Woman Who Accuses Man of Creeping at the Gym

There is a growing trend of people trying to shame others at the gym by filming them, and framing them as creeps. The internet is pushing back, and Joey Swoll, the "CEO of gym positivity," calls out this video and the trend.

There are real creeps at the gym, and anyone who has worked out regularly knows the kind of toxic behaviors that earn gym bros the unfortunate reputation they have. When done correctly however, gyms can be some of the most positive and accepting places around. Real gym culture places your looks and past experience aside for the singular common goal of bettering yourself through hard work. "The gym is a shared space," Joey says. "People are going to interact with you. This video never needs to be posted."

Videos like this one undermine the real experiences others have had with misogyny and toxic masculinity at the gym. "You need to do better."
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