
International Student Buys Porsche in the Middle of Class

If you're looking for a study buddy, this dude is not your guy. 

"Just international student things," reads one of the top comments on TikTok. Another reads, "One time I saw the international student in class put down 50k on a fanduel bet."

So two things are true here, international-born students who have the chance to study in the U.S. are rich and entitled, (of course, not all of them). And second, why is this kid even in college? It's not like he needs it.

And while sure, buying a Porsche in the middle of a lecture is a big flex, it's also a pretty boring one. How he is going to send it home? Does it matter? No, probably not, but if you go to this kids school, you know what to do. 

Categories: Wtf Wow

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