
Guy Exploring the Real Chernobyl Zone Discovers a 92 Year Old Grandma and Her Son Living There

Youtube can be such a great source of entertainment, information, educational material, and videos. You can find a video for almost any subject matter, any topic. You can find a tutorial on how to change the alternator on your 2002 crown vic, or how to build your own electro magnetic field generator. It's actually quite impressive and almost surprising it is free... well for the most part.

So many vloggers have made the trip to Pripyat to make Chernobyl films that it has become an embarrassing cliche. So I decided to enter the real unexplored Chernobyl zone instead. The one across the border in Belarus. No tour guides here. Just me and my knife ready to face whatever came my way.

And if you want to see some gnarly Chernobyl pics of the exclusion zone, then you'd probably also want to see some Chernobyl memes and even more Chernobyl memes that came out after HBO did a whole mini series on the disaster.
Categories: Creepy Wow

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