
Streamer Maces Friend, Can't Believe Actions Have Consequences

Some of these IRL streamers really need to be stopped, because they'll pretty much do anything for those 5 fleeting minutes of clout.

The streamer, who goes by the handle 'Vegan Patriot' (@VegPat90), is what's known as an "IP2 Streamer," which is just where you stream your life while viewers can egg you on and/or pay you to say or do various things - usually awful things like this. She just walks right up to a man she claims is a new friend and maces him at point-blank range. Bystanders call the cops, who promptly arrest her.
You can also watch the full stream below. It's been timestamped to start at the moment she maces the dude, but if you really feel like you want to go down a 3-hour rabbit hole of pure cringe, the option's there:
Categories: Wtf

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