
March Madness Crowd Goes Wild When a Cheerleader Gets a Stuck Ball and Saves the Day

During the first day of the first round in the NCAA East's first game of March Madness in a match-up between Indiana and Saint Marys, the game ball got stuck up on the top rear side of the backboard. After the player's and referee's multiple failed attempts to retrieve the stuck ball an unlikely hero came to save the day.

A member of Indiana's cheerleading squad came to the rescue. A male member of the squad gave one of the female cheerleaders a lift and she was able to grab the ball which was still stuck behind the backboard. The crowd in attendance filled the arena with a deafening roar of cheers upon the successful retrieval. It's not a sight you often see (it was definitely my first time seeing something like this), but it definitely goes to show we should give these cheerleaders some respect and definitely film them more often during the games.
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