
'I'm Allowed to Put My Seat Back!': Plane Passengers Heatedly Argue About Seat Recline Etiquette

It is okay to recline your seat on an airplane? I know, what a dumb debate, but the world is an increasingly dumb place. Apparently reclining your seat while in coach is a no-no now, who knew? 

Airlines are already doing everything they can to make the flying experience as terrible as possible, shrinking legroom, raising the prices of bad food, and forcing passengers to arrive at the airport three hours before their flight so some TSA agent can get his fingers between their cheeks, but pitting flyers against each other might be the most devilish thing they've done yet. 

Personally, I recline my seat. If that makes me a bad person I don't care. The seat comes with a recline function and I'm going to use it. If you're trying to get "work done" on a plane I assume you have poor time management and that isn't my problem. 

If the person in front of you reclines their seat, then do the same, eat an edible and take a nap. But don't be these morons, please. 

Categories: Facepalm Wow

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