
A Super-Sized Serving of Idiots In Cars Who Definitely Shouldn't Be Driving

Driving is part of our daily lives and for most of us an absolute necessity. Many of us live outside of the city or area where we work and often times public transportation doesn't run quite that far out. With so many people driving it goes without saying there will be some terrible drivers out there. Having to worry about your own driving and safety is already enough but knowing in the back of your mind that at any moment you might encounter someone who probably shouldn't be behind the wheel can be quite an anxiety inducing experience.

In this car crash compilation or idiots in cars, there is no shortage of driving fails and terrible drivers. From truly WTF maneuvers to bizarre accidents hit and runs, near misses, brake checks, close calls, and just general driving fails. Seeing these people on the road would definitely make you wonder how some of these people even manage to get out of bed in the morning.


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