
Ice Storm in Kansas Causes Spinouts and Crazy Traffic Accidents

They really weren’t ready for it.

Whenever us Midwesterners hear about our Southern brethren freaking out about an inch of snow, we can’t help but laugh. You guys can’t handle a little ice? Shit, call me when you have to dig your car out of the snow to drive to work in the morning!

That said, we really shouldn’t think that way. Some places just aren’t accustomed to working, living and, crucially, driving under these conditions, so when an area like this gets hit with an unexpected ice storm, the consequences can be pretty severe.

For example, right now, there’s a major ice storm in Wichita, Kansas, which has been complete with thundersnow and a host of other issues. Things have gotten so bad that people are basically sliding off the road 24/7, with one woman even abandoning her car as it careened off the road.

Here are some clips showing just how bad things have gotten:


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