
“I Need the Cash First” Robber Settles For Pizzas after Sticking Up Cashless Delivery Driver

This robber decides that pizza is more important than money, after sticking up a Dominos delivery man before he could complete his order.

Filmed by a ring doorbell camera, this Dominos delivery man knows exactly what's happening when he's approached by a group of young men. He says, "I've got to get the money first," telling the robber that until he makes his delivery, he's got no cash to give. But the robber doesn't seem interested in the money, not that you could really get much from a delivery man anyhow. Instead, he asks the man to open up his bag and see the pizzas. No sooner have the words, "two half pizzas," left the driver's mouth, than the robber decides that it's good enough for him, and he snatches the bag and runs away.

The poor delivery driver is left to walk back to his car, with no pizza, and no money.

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