
I Need a TikTok Farrier to Shave a Chunk of My Brain Like a Horse Hoof

TikTok, like Reddit, is full of smaller communities dedicated to just about anything you can imagine. And like their subreddits counterparts, these 'Toks" are oftentimes full of unique people sharing their unique talents and interests. 

This goes for farrier-tok which if you've ever had the pleasure of scrolling across a horse having its hoofs clipped, you'll already be familiar. 

Think mani-pedi but for a horse. And sometimes for a horse with an abscess. What we have here today is the latter. 

Now how can I find someone to do this to my brain, instead of removing my brain matter, they remove seven years of memes and shitposts. I'd pay top dollar for that. 

Categories: Wtf Wow

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