
‘I Know it Smells Crazy in There’: Woman Reacts to Disgusting Dude's Apartment

If you've ever been to a college frat house, you've probably seen a living space similar to this one. Leftover alcohol and food containers lay across multiple filthy surfaces. The dirty bong is just the cherry on top of this rotten cupcake. 

Originally shared on TikTok by a user named Samantha, the video has amassed over a million views across TikTok and Twitter. "Trigger Warning: Three boys living on their own," she captioned the video. 

"The way the only thing that’s organized are the bottles," one person commented. "They got their priorities straight," Samantha responded. But while some people were shocked at the poor living conditions, "It’s insane people actually live like this," others felt that the space wasn't that bad. "This is the average college frat house," one person said. "I've seen worse." 

"I have a feeling they are insanely hot tho," one person said. "Some girl is crying over one of these dudes I just know it." 

As this viewer predicted, "And then they marry a girl who was taught all these simple tasks as a child, and she cleans up after him forever, the end."


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