
‘I have done nothing wrong!’: Racist Woman Gets Restrained With Duct Tape after Freaking Out on Flight

Please stop drinking in the airport if you can’t handle it.

Some people just weren’t built to be in public. One such person is this woman, who, while (allegedly) intoxicated during a Fiji Airways flight, decided to make her own issues everyone’s problem.

“A witness who watched and filmed the incident unfold told that the woman was traveling with her husband. Despite being seated separately initially at take-off, he’d asked flight attendants to be moved further away,” writes the New Zealand Herald. “When crew members refused to inform the woman of her husband’s whereabouts on the plane, she became abusive.”

Of course, the crew wasn’t just going to take this abuse lying down. And so, they did what I’m sure every crew member has fantasized about doing and duct-taped her mouth closed. Here’s what that looked like!

Categories: Wtf People & Lifestyle

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