
‘I F***ed It Up. Can I Go Back?’: Woman Flubs the National Anthem on Live TV, Doesn’t Play It Off Well

It’s been a while since we’ve had a good, old fashioned National Anthem flub.

Our National Anthem isn’t the easiest song to sing. It’s got high highs and low lows, proving an adequate challenge for even the most skilled singers.

As a result, some minor screw-ups here and there are to be expected. That said, there are some people who manage to mess up the tune so badly that their failure becomes its own national event. For example, we recently saw a girl mess up the anthem so badly that she simply bailed on the song halfway through.

Now, we have another attempt at a bail — only this time, the woman’s attempt to get out of it failed on account of the fact that it was being broadcast live. Whoops!

Categories: Facepalm Fail

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