'I Bet You Can't Clone Me Coby!': Dude Tries to Clone Woman After Seeing Her Lick a Statue
figgyPudding Published 04/01/2023
The "Clone Master" Coby Persin tries to clone people around the country based on small samples of their DNA. This girl challenges him to clone her using DNA from a licked statue.
First he has to locate her DNA, which he does by identifying the statue: Augustus Caesar the 4th in Las Vegas. From there, he drives 19 hours across the country from Vermont to Nevada with his cloning kit. Using coppernasium liquid and nitrogen cyanoxide, he successfully clones her.
Unfortunately, neither of those are real chemicals, (if you thought this was real then you don't understand humor), although a similarly spelled Copernicium is a synthetic chemical element. Cyanoxide is also a "revolutionary mixture for the prevention and control of cyanobacteria blooms in water." But while it looks like Coby might need a little more work on his cloning techniques, he has no shortage of volunteers. Coby has already cloned people in Miami, France, and Other Parts of Las Vegas. Now if only he could clone me so I could go to Vegas myself.
First he has to locate her DNA, which he does by identifying the statue: Augustus Caesar the 4th in Las Vegas. From there, he drives 19 hours across the country from Vermont to Nevada with his cloning kit. Using coppernasium liquid and nitrogen cyanoxide, he successfully clones her.
Unfortunately, neither of those are real chemicals, (if you thought this was real then you don't understand humor), although a similarly spelled Copernicium is a synthetic chemical element. Cyanoxide is also a "revolutionary mixture for the prevention and control of cyanobacteria blooms in water." But while it looks like Coby might need a little more work on his cloning techniques, he has no shortage of volunteers. Coby has already cloned people in Miami, France, and Other Parts of Las Vegas. Now if only he could clone me so I could go to Vegas myself.
Cloning a Model In a DNA Laboratory #explore pic.twitter.com/CBAwEniwGH
— Coby Persin (@coby_persin) March 22, 2023