
Hydrogen Tanker Has the World's Most Fiery Farts

The award for the world's most fiery farts has to go to this hydrogen tanker; letting loud and hot ones rip like it's just rifled through a bowl of baked beans. "My body after Taco Bell," one person commented on Twitter.

Thy hydrogen tanker in question was sitting at the Pilot Travel Center just outside of Charlotte North Carolina, when it started spitting flames around 11 p.m. As a result of the fire, local Troutman Fire and Rescue was dispatched, and all people within a half mile were evacuated. Predictably, as with any video on the internet, viewers alternated between making fart jokes and arguing about the real danger of hydrogen explosions

"At what point do you start running?" one viewer asked. "When the flames suddenly stop," someone else answered. But was there any real danger of an explosion? "It has an anti-back-flow valve for safety like propane tanks," one person stated. "It wouldn’t explode unless impacted." 

Still, Troutman Fire and Rescue took the incident seriously, and the adjacent Highway 21 remained closed until 10 a.m. the next morning. Remind me not to eat whatever that tanker had for lunch.

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