
Hungry Dude Starts Trouble For a McDouble, Gets Arrested

A McDonalds in South Carolina chose the wrong day to be closed. This recently-viral TikTok depicts a man who wanted some nuggets, but was denied entry. Instead of leaving, he decides to take matters into his own hands, bashing up the storefront.

Rather than throw rocks like a madman, he chooses to use his head. Screams erupt as he smashes through the glass door with an enthusiastic headbutt.

Amidst the chaos and broken glass, one brave minimum-wage worker stood fast behind the counter with his camera out, blessing the scene with some hilarious commentary.

Though the McDonald’s employees present at the time of the incident couldn’t reach their manager, they did manage to get ahold of the cops. By the time the authorities could arrive, the damage had been done. And after all that, the man was cuffed and carried off without his beloved McNuggets.

The man’s identity is still unknown, however, crimes just like this one have resulted in felony vandalism charges.
Categories: Wow

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