
‘Human Centipede’ Body Shot Train Is an Alpha Male’s Wet Dream

Move over, 1,000 Ways To Die — it seems yet another horror story of certain doom has emerged from the bowels of horny TikTok — 100 Ways To Get A Raging Case Of Mono.

Earlier this week down horrendous TikTok account @imbaddiesonly took to the platform with a video best described as Backwash: The Movie, depicting a man clearly misunderstanding how body shots actually work.

Over the course of 25 agonizing seconds, the mystery man walks over a line of women laying on each other’s backs, proceeding to suck a shot's worth of gin (why, god, why) from each of their mouths, an exercise that sparked a LOT of questions.

“How does he not have mono by now?!” wrote @.life_408, saying the quiet part out loud. “He drinking 10% alcohol and 90% spit,” added @robin.dabanks as several others mused about the women in question. “one of the girls wasn't even conscious and most of them didn't even look like they liked it,” wrote @venomizednat.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be washing out my mouth with the strongest soap I can find before never kissing another soul ever again!
Categories: Facepalm Wow

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