
How to Survive a Falling Elevator, and Other Things

The TikTok channel How to Survive tells us how to do just that in various scenarios. In this video, they tell us what to do in a situation we've all imagined ourselves in: The free-falling elevator.

In this case, the best thing to do is to lie flat on the floor if possible, while bracing your head. This way, the impact is spread out over your entire body, and the elevator takes part of the brunt. Importantly, do NOT try and time a jump with the impact of the elevator. Even if you time it perfectly, which is unlikely, you're only slowing your fall by the slow speed of your jump, and then crashing feet first.

Fortunately, this is an exceedingly rare event, and more survivable than you might think. As mentioned in this video, Betty Lou Oliver survived a free fall of 75 stories in an Empire State building elevator, after a B-25 crashed into the building in 1945.

If you're curious, here's how to survive a plane crash, and being the last person on Earth.

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