
How to Chop Every Vegetable & Elevate Your Culinary Game

James Beard Award-winning cookbook author and chef Amy Chaplin teaches you how to slice (nearly) every vegetable at the market and elevate your culinary game to the next level.

Also, check out "I'll never tell" cooking secrets.

00:30 - Peanut | 00:55 - Brussels Sprouts | 1:42 - Peas | 2:09 - Snap Peas | 2:28 - Wakame | 3:06 - Garlic | 3:57 - Shallot | 4:35 - Watercress | 5:10 - Green Beans | 5:45 - Asparagus | 6:21 - Fava Beans | 6:50 - Scallion | 7:21 - Celery | 8:21 - Spinach | 8:55 - Kombu | 9:41 - Okra | 10:20 - Nopales | 10:58 - Onion | 12:03 - Broccoli Rabe | 12:44 - Endive | 13:37 - Radicchio | 14:38 - Bok Choy | 15:29 - Cabbage | 16:18 - Chicory | 17:13 - Mustard Greens | 18:07 - Collard Greens | 19:19 - Swiss Chard | 20:17 - Fennel | 21:00 - Leek | 22:03 - Iceberg Lettuce | 22:32 - Kale | 23:35 - Butternut Squash | 24:59 - Kabocha Squash | 26:00 - Tomatillo | 26:39 - Tomato | 27:07 - Zucchini | 27:46 - Cucumber | 28:09 - Chayote | 28:44 - Pepper | 29:13 - JalapeƱo Pepper | 29:47 - Bitter Melon | 30:28 - Eggplant | 31:22 - Radish | 31:59 - Turmeric | 32:32 - Ginger | 33:14 - Beetroot | 33:51 - Carrot | 34:38 - Parsnip | 35:07 - Turnip | 35:40 - Potato | 36:17 - Taro | 37:00 - Rutabaga | 37:47 - Daikon | 38:27 - Jicama | 39:00 - Lotus Root | 39:37 - Artichoke | 40:28 - Cauliflower | 41:06 - Romanesco | 41:36 - Broccoli

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