
Former Inmate Breaks Down How Olympic Rapist Larry Nassar Was Stabbed in Federal Prison

Disgraced former Olympics gymnastics coach Larry Nassar who is currently serving a 60-year federal prison sentence in the United States Penitentiary Coleman in Florida, was stabbed multiple times this week. 

And according to TikToker vikingmindset11, who alleged has a friend serving a sentence in the same prison as Nassar, has some inside information on how the stabbing went down. 

"So I talked to my friend Cornbread who is in the same prison," vikingmindset11 begins his video. And according to Cornbread, Nassar who is in protective custody "accidentally" had his cell door opened, at which point a general population inmate b-lined it into Nassar's cell, stabbing him multiple times in the chest and then again in the back as he tried to flee. 

Vikingmindset11 reminds his audience that when the hype around mainstream cases die down the only people who remember the crimes committed by famous offenders are, the victims and the inmates. 

Nassar will most likely be moved to a different prison, but the fear of another inmate finsihing the job will stick with him as long as he lives. 

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