
How A Real Life Solar Death Ray Works, As Told By TikTok's Favorite Science Dude

Death Rays aren’t just lasers of science fiction – they’re TikTok’s latest DIY obsession.

Over the past several months, @joemyheck, TikTok’s resident “science dude” has enthralled his 2.9 million followers with one of his best – and most badass – inventions, a giant solar heat ray that has transformed rocks into lava, combusted pennies, and has even been used to cook up some bratwurst.

Boasting a lens crafted from “an old rear projection TV that someone left on the side of the road,” these lenses have amassed him millions of likes, fans fascinated with the power of a curved mirror and the sun.

“That’s so dope. How do I make it?” asked @lo_javs.

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