
There's Been an Explosion at the Hoover Dam

A transformer caught on fire this morning at the Hoover Dam leading to an explosion caught on camera by a visiting tourist. No casualties have been reported so far. According to the Bureau of Reclamation, no injuries were reported and there is no active danger to the power grid. The cause of the fire is still unknown and the investigation is ongoing.

The Hoover Dam provides fresh water to Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Tucson, and generates enough hydroelectric power to serve 1.3 million people each year. So don't worry, if you live in the area there is no serious threat to the dam's stability or water services.

The video which began circulating on Twitter shows a pillar of smoke rising from the base of the dam, and the small flames can be seen burning the transformer. So before you put on your tinfoil hat, wait for the investigation to be concluded.
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