Homeless Guy Attacks and Robs Elderly Man, Instantly Regrets It
Chet Donnelly Published 08/17/2022
Life can be unpredictable at times. A seemingly boring or normal day can change in an instant. Take this elderly man for example. He was just enjoying some food or perhaps a coffee outside of this little cafe when out of nowhere an alleged homeless man comes up to him, unprovoked, sucker punches him in the face and runs away with the man's phone and wallet.
He didn't get very far, however, as the business owner Tim Ratcliff saw the events unfold and chased down the attacker who was attempting to flee. Ratcliff was punched in the face as well after the suspect noticed Ratcliff following him. The store owner quickly grabbed and tackled the man and the two rolled out into the corner of an intersection. Ratcliff's girlfriend and another bystander can be seen picking up the elderly man's belonging as the store owner holds the wannabe thief pinned down for nearly nine minutes before police arrived and arrested the man.
He didn't get very far, however, as the business owner Tim Ratcliff saw the events unfold and chased down the attacker who was attempting to flee. Ratcliff was punched in the face as well after the suspect noticed Ratcliff following him. The store owner quickly grabbed and tackled the man and the two rolled out into the corner of an intersection. Ratcliff's girlfriend and another bystander can be seen picking up the elderly man's belonging as the store owner holds the wannabe thief pinned down for nearly nine minutes before police arrived and arrested the man.