
Hindenburg Disaster Footage Upscaled to 4K

This famous footage has been seen countless times, but never quite like this. The added clarity and colorization make it that much harder to separate this as 'history' vs 'real life.'

The Hindenburg is regarded by many as one of the biggest disasters in history, and indeed 'Hindenburg' has become a synonym with failure and disaster in popular parlance. Prior to that fateful evening on May 6, 1937, however, the Hindenburg had actually made multiple successful cross-Atlantic voyages.

The exact cause of the explosion remains unconfirmed, and while the overall number of fatalities was relatively low (35 dead out of 97 total people on board, plus one on the ground), footage like this spread far and wide and the negative publicity effectively ended the airship era.
Here's a more comprehensive breakdown of what went wrong:

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