
Hilarious Woman Who Thinks She's A Reporter Actually Solves An Arson Case Live On Facebook

After driving past a house fire, this woman decides to make it her mission to make her reporting debut, get to the bottom of the fire, and ultimately entertain and inform any and everyone who will watch her on Facebook live. In the process she documents the fire, pisses off some people including both the person who's house was on fire, and the fire department putting it out, and solves the arson case all before the whole fire is even doused.

Reporting for "weave" news, it seems as if she could transition to CNN any time she wants, if CNN wants vertical footage and live reactions full of more emotion than they've shown all year. At least we know from her enthusiasm here she has no issue getting to the bottom of a case no matter how many people she gets in the way of. In the end, it was the man who's house was on fire.... who started the fire.

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