
Guy Spends 30 Days Building Lego City to Flood it With 300 Gallons of Water

Are you a tiny Lego person living in a big Lego city? It may be time to snap up some flood insurance.

Are you a tiny Lego person living in a big Lego city? It may be time to snap up some flood insurance.

Lego TikTok creator @Brick_Science decided to kick it Old Testament style with his latest TikTok series that recently came to a long-awaited close, demolishing a meticulously built toy brick city — complete with several skyscrapers, fine-dining establishments, and in a cruel twist, an aquarium — with a kiddie pool’s worth of water.

“I spent 30 days building my giant Lego city, and now I’m gonna flood it with 300 gallons of water,” he explained, slashing open the plastic pool with what appeared to be a box cutter.

Within seconds, nearly all of the buildings populating the Lego metropolis were ripped from their foundations and set afloat through the massive tide replacing their plastic streets. Sumberging Lego cars and Lego pedestrians, the roaring waters ripped down walls, collapsed infrastructure and basically reenacted that one scene from Tidal Wave.

“Look at that! It just got everywhere,” @Brick_Science exclaimed, looking down on the ruins. “Man, that just took everything with it.”

Despite being wiped off the map by a massive flood, the residents of @Brick_Science’s Lego City seem to still be in good spirits — of course, their painted-on smiles wouldn’t betray any fear anyway.

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