
Hockey Game Turns Ugly as High School Player Fights Spectator

You don't see this every day. A high school hockey game in Western, PA turned ugly after a fight broke out in the stands between a player and a spectator.

At the start of the video we can hear the player shouting "What are you gonna do, p---y! What are you gonna do?" Other than that we're not quite sure what lead to the player being in the stands in the first place.

The game had apparently ended, and even the Zamboni was out which also doesn't help this team's cause, as all players should have retreated to their respective locker rooms.

Either way, the player gets in a solid first punch and drops whoever it is to the bleachers. Other adults and players eventually separate the player and the situation dissolves.

According to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, two players have been suspended due to the incident.


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