Here’s What the Hindenburg Disaster Looked Like in Color
Behold: the reason we all now fly on boring ol’ planes!
It’s difficult to overstate the insanity that was the Hindenburg disaster. While it only killed 36 people, the visual of seeing a massive zeppelin burst into flames left an indelible mark on the population viewing it — so much so that it effectively stopped the rigid airship industry in its, well, I guess blimps don’t have tracks. The point is, no one wanted to fly in blimps or zeppelins anymore.
Looking back at the footage, it’s easy to see why this caused such a stir. Still, with our modern media landscape, the colorized version works to make a greater impact: not only revealing how nice it was on the inside of the airship, but how insane the crash itself really was.
The crash can be seen at 4 minutes and 13 seconds, but I’d recommend watching the whole thing for the full effect.