
Here’s What Lava Sounds Like

You know what it looks like — but do you know how it sounds?

If someone asked you, “What noise does lava make?,” you’d probably ask them how they managed to live a full life and still be this bad at making casual conversation. Still, at its core, it’s an interesting question. Surely the stuff has to make *some* noise, but what could that noise possibly be?

Well, it sounds like this — a noise that commenters say is akin to glass or “taking out the recycling.” Why does this happen? Apparently, lava’s intense heat causes rapid and uneven expansion of everything in its path, which leads to thermal stress and fracturing. This process creates that distinct sound.

If you want to try simulating the sound at home, throw a beer bottle against the wall. It’ll sound basically the same, and it’s only half as dangerous as going near lava!

Categories: Wow Animals & Nature

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