Helicopter Reporter Explodes After LAPD Run Right Past Their Suspect
Peter Rapine Published 03/14/2022
Last Friday an allegedly stolen vehicle led the LAPD on a high-speed chase through South Los Angeles and ultimately ended with the suspect being apprehended while hidden behind a car in an alleyway.
And what began as a dangerous and nearly deadly chase through the streets, devolved into a rather comical display of some top-notch police work.
Around the three-minute mark, the suspect exits his vehicle and hides behind a parked car. A second later two LAPD cruisers roll up and to the amazement of FOX 11's Stu Mundel, walk right past their suspect.
Mundel cannot believe his eyes, and while he has a unique vantage point, it would seem these LAPD officers were playing a game of hot and cold.
Mundel radios out to a police unit to let them know they passed their guy, and they turn around and eventually find him on his belly behind the car.
And what began as a dangerous and nearly deadly chase through the streets, devolved into a rather comical display of some top-notch police work.
Around the three-minute mark, the suspect exits his vehicle and hides behind a parked car. A second later two LAPD cruisers roll up and to the amazement of FOX 11's Stu Mundel, walk right past their suspect.
Mundel cannot believe his eyes, and while he has a unique vantage point, it would seem these LAPD officers were playing a game of hot and cold.
Mundel radios out to a police unit to let them know they passed their guy, and they turn around and eventually find him on his belly behind the car.