
Heckler Throws Beer at Comedian, Gets Absolutely Pwned

This is how you absolutely destroy a POS heckler.

Comedian Ariel Elias was trying to move on and get through her set when a projectile came careening toward her on stage. Said projectile was a nearly full beer can thrown by an insane heckler.

After being berated by one heckler, Ariel took the high road and attempted to continue her bit. A few seconds later, a DIFFERENT guy chucked a beer directly at her. Like the piece of garbage he is, the man bolted from the club but was later arrested.

Seemingly un-phased, Ariel chugged the rest of the beer and finished her set like a boss. The comedian stated on Twitter that the man was indeed arrested, the club is pressing charges, and she was already booked for a future date at Uncle Vinnie's Comedy Club.
Categories: Ftw Wtf Wow Comedy Epic Win

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