
Heart Warming Moment When A 16 Year Opens A Surprise Birthday Present From His Late Father

This was Johnny's 16th birthday present. The present was purchased in February by his Mother and Father and his father passed away in April. The store held the gift until this June for his special day.

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From his sister's Facebook post about this video:

"So today is my little brothers 16th birthday, and his first birthday without our dad. But, dad was always filled with surprises. About a month ago I dropped J off at his guitar lesson, and one of the amazing instructors told me there was something I should see. When she showed me I just dropped to my knees, I just couldn't believe it. But I had to keep it a secret until his birthday. So this morning I woke up and picked up my brother from school and blindfolded him. Drove him to the music center and this is the outcome. A big thank you goes out to the music center, who helped keep my dads dream alive."

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