
‘He Just Wanted Some Friends’: People Raised 40k For Bullied Kid Who Went Viral ‘Looking For Friends’

Shayden Walker was just a kid looking for some friends when he knocked on his neighbor's door. Instead, he wound up with a viral video and $40,000 dollars. 

Knocking on Brennan Ray and Angell Hammersmith's door in Texas, Shayden asked if they knew any houses with kids between the ages of 11 and 12. When told about a house down the street, he had a heartbreaking response. 

"They're not my friends anymore because they're bullies."

Ray posted the video to TikTok, where it sits at over 67 million views.

"I have never wanted to hug a kid so bad in my life," one viewer commented. 

Realizing the video's impact, Ray started a GoFundMe that racked up $40,000 before Shayden's mom halted donations. The heart-warming display of kindness proved what many people have known for a long time: it's easier to make money than friends. 

"He said he needed a friend, not 40 thousand dollars," @solgob commented on Twitter. 

Shayden has definitely found new friends in Brennan and Angell, and $40,000 always helps. Unfortunately, none of them are between the ages of 11 and 12. 


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