
'He Don't Get Paid Enough': Uber Driver Forced to Sit Back As Riders Hook Up

When one unlucky Uber driver accepted a recent trip, little did he know his passengers would be enjoying a ride of their own in his backseat.

New Yorker Valentina — a.k.a. — headed to TikTok this week with a glimpse at just how dire the state of rideshares has become in the Big Apple, sharing a clip of a visibly exasperated driver doing his damndest to keep his eyes on the road — and a straight face — while a couple hooked up in his car.

“Pls this poor Uber driver,” she captioned the now-viral video, depicting the visibly irritated driver glancing at her camera as the pair continued their car coitus.

Regardless of whether or not that driver got a hefty tip (one he damn well deserved), we can only hope that Uber doesn’t get any ideas from this viral incident — there are only so many times you can power wash a backseat.

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