
Hawk Slams a Bird into the Side of a Brick House

Mother nature can be a cruel mistress at times. It's no secret that in nature the food chain and survival of the fittest are the dominating laws of the land. As human beings, we've been blessed with the mental aptitude to have been able to fight and claw our way to the top of the food chain. However, that is not the case for most animals. Their place in the ecosystem is pretty much luck of the draw depending on what type of animal or organism they are.

This homeowner noticed a strange patch of feathers that were stuck to the side of his house. He decided to check his security cameras in an attempt to see what in the world happened, or how the feathers got there in the first place. What he saw was the footage in the video below, essentially a hawk or similar bird of prey attacking a pigeon and slamming it into the brick wall. The hawk must have been stunned too as it flew away, you can see the pigeon chilling on the fence probably thinking "damn, that was a close one".

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