
Hawaii Tourists Drive into a Lake 'The Office' Style Because Her GPS 'Told Her To'

"The machine knows! Stop yelling at me!" That's what Michael Scott tells Dwight Schrute in season four of The Office, before driving his car into a lake. Something similar likely transpired inside a minivan earlier this week, when two Hawaii tourists followed their GPS directions right into a harbor.

The driver and her passenger were allegedly searching for a snorkel tour company when their too literal interpretation of their GPS directions got them started in the water a little early.

 "HOW? How do you see water and keep driving?" the TikTok user Hannah Jo asked. "Not her just smiling, buckled in WHILE IT SINKS," the user misswitch11 exclaimed. Luckily, a nearby sailboat crew was ready to spring into action and save the day. 

Great comedy is always based in reality, and few shows exemplify that better than The Office. Still, I doubt even the show's writers could have predicted that one of its most iconic scenes would one day come true. 


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