
Heartwarming Video Shows the Moment Harambe Got His Name

May 28th of this year will mark the 6th anniversary of Harambe's untimely death. But now with the resurfacing of this clip, we can celebrate the naming of a legend.

What has only been 6 years, feels like a lifetime. But at least we can celebrate the joy Harambe provided us, and how he would eventually live up to his name.

The winner of a somewhat non-traditional naming contest back in 1999, counselor Dan Van Coppenolle recounts hearing the word 'Harambe' in a reggae song during his workout.

Little did Dan know, that the meaning behind the name would be astoundingly in tune to the life Harambe would live. "Pull together. Help each other. Sharing and caring, come together."

Harambe did just that. He brought us all together, he taught us about caring. And we're forever grateful.


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