
Gym Influencer Compares Her Pull-Up Routine to Jesus on the Cross — And Lunging to Jesus Carrying the Cross

Gym-fluencer and Christian workout wear brand jezer_activewear is creating the newest of unhinged gym videos.

With Jesus at the forefront of their brand, you'll be racking up gains on gains with the help of our lord and savior. Lift his name while you're lifting weights. But don't forget to buy their workout gear first. $50 for a t-shirt, $65 for sweatpants, and women if you like what you see in the video, the entire outfit can be yours for $97.

Listen, Jesus needs to pay the bills too. Jezer Activewear is a great way to sweat out your demons, or force your religion on passersby at the gym!

Categories: Wtf Facepalm Wow Cringe Sports

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