
Guy Offers His Robbers $100k for Return of His Hard Drive and an Extra $100k If One of Them Fights Him

Thomas D'Allesandro has a message for the group of men who broke into his house and made off with a hard drive of his which he claims houses his "family photos." 

D'Allesandro offers the "Chilean gang" $100,000 for the safe return of his hard drive, no questions asked, and promises to sign a legally binding contract ensuring that he will not press charges on the men. 

Sounds like a good deal right? Well, he wasn't done yet. 

He then goes on to offer the thieves an extra $100,000 to "any one of the four pussies" who is brave enough to fight him. 

D'Allesandro again reiterates that the hard drive contains "five years of photos with me an my children," however many people online simply weren't buying it, as that's a pretty high price to pay for family photos. 


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