
Guy Tries to Take a Cute Pic With a Stingray, Learns the Hard Way Why They're Called That

You most likely know that Steve Irwin, one of the world's most well-regarded animal experts of his time, was killed by a stingray in 2006. Armed with that information, hopefully, you can deduce that stingrays are not to be trifled with. And above all, they're literally called fucking stingrays!

But this dude obviously never got the memo, because he decided it would be a good idea to hold one, and take a cute picture with it. I guess some people just need to learn things the hard way.

"They're not called Cuddle Rays, genius," @TySky22 commented.

"The sting of a stingray causes a bleeding wound," according to EmergencyPhysicians.org. "It causes excruciating pain and can result in death." Fortunately, this guy was just stung on the arm, so he'll survive to learn his nasty lesson.

Most viewers alternated between expressing worry for the stingray and posting the "fuck around and find out" video. Stingrays can't survive out of water, but luckily this one made it back in. 

As @ii_analyze joked, "The mistake here was holding the stingray."


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