
Guy Shows How to Lift 20 Ton Blocks by Himself, and Maybe How the Egyptians Built the Pyramids

Who built the pyramids? The answer is the Egyptians, of course, but some people have a hard time accepting that. Citing everything from the weight of the stones to the precision of the architecture, many people believe that the pyramids were constructed by a different, possibly even extra-terrestrial civilization.

This poor girl's date exposes himself as one of those people, and she's unfortunately forced to listen to a looney conspiracy theorist. Looks like he won't be getting a second chance. Fortunately, if you ever find yourself confronted by one yourself, you can show them this video.

Moving 20-ton blocks by himself with ease, this man just uses sticks, stones and ingenuity. While the Egyptians are believed to have used sleds and clay, this man's cleverness proves just how capable humans are. Instead of assuming the Egyptians had help, how about we marvel at what we ourselves are capable of?
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