
'Somebody Needs to Give My Mom New Driving Lessons': Guy Roasts His Mother Who Can't Back Out of Her Driveway

Christian sits in his car and roasts his mother, while she struggles to back out of her driveway.

"It shouldn't be this hard," he says as she backs up onto the grass of the front lawn and almost into a tree. "She's not doing what she needs to be doing." While it may be a good idea for her to have a parking space directly in front of the road, Christian claims that "She chose the garage as her spot," in the comments. "Somebody needs to give my mom new driving lessons," he says. "I shouldn't have to sit here and watch this nonsense."

Eventually, he decides to be a good son, and gets out of his car to go help her. Still, reversing in a straight line should be a skill everyone with a license possess. Perhaps it is time to get mom those new lessons.

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