
Guy Removes Hornet's Nest With a Backhoe to Disastrous Results, Nobody Knows if He's Alive

If you're going to mess with a hornet's nest, it's best to make sure you have protection and a getaway plan. Unfortunately, this man seems to have neither, as he takes on an entire nest with just a backhoe. 

"This guy is definitely dead right?" one person asked. "I truly can’t find anything about whether these wasps explored this man’s body or not," the video's sharer responded. Viewers also wondered how the hornets knew what to attack. "How did they know to attack the cab?" a Reddit user asked. "I would think they would collectively think the arm/claw is the threat?" A Twitter user had the answer. "It’s the thing that isn’t there normally," he said. "And then when one finds a target, they emit an alarm pheromone, and the rest swarm to that location."

Unfortunately, hornet nests are not uncommon, and you might need to learn how to properly deal with one someday. But at least now you know that demolition via backhoe isn't on the cards. 

Categories: Eww Wtf Wow Animals & Nature

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