
Guy is Mind-Blown After Eating a Burger for the First Time

This Boston reporter tracks down a guy named Kahan, who is about to eat a burger for the first time. Having moved from Austin, Kahan says he grew up in a religious family, and never had red meat growing up. Now an atheist and with a job far from home, Kahan decides to take the plunge and try a burger for the first time.

Getting lots of opinions, Kahan settles on a burger place near Fenway park, and the employees are flabbergasted when they hear that he has never had a burger. Coming out to deliver it to him personally, Kahan definitely likes what he's eating. According to the reporter, he seems to get into it more and more with each bite, and in the end he describes the experience as mind-blowing; urging anybody else who hasn't tried a burger to get on it right away. Let's just hope he gets home before those first time meat eater craps kick in.

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