
Dude Casually Films Tornado Right up until It Enters His Yard

Midwesterners are known for taking tornado warnings less than seriously. Living up to the stereotype, this man seems unbothered as he films a tornado barreling toward him from the front porch of his Andover Kansas home. It's not until the winds rip apart the front lawn fence that he bothers to step inside and close the door behind him.

That 2022 tornado was rated an EF-3, meaning that winds likely ranged from 136 to 165 mph, enough to do some serious damage. However, only minor injuries were reported from the storm, despite 950 buildings listed as in its path. Perhaps it's stats like that giving midwesterners the courage to stay out during tornados, or maybe it's just plain old stubbornness. Either way, it produces some pretty spectacular videos.

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