
Guy Falls on Ice, And Nobody Can Figure Out What Happened With His Legs

There's nothing better than watching someone slip on some ice and eat it. This guy's extended trip from his feet to his backside is a great example, but nobody can figure out what happens to his legs on the way down. What do I mean? It's as if his right and left legs switch mid-fall. 

"I watched his left leg the whole time and it's like it just turns into his right leg," one person commented. "Bro slipped in the 4th dimension and it's hurting my brain," someone else said. But unlike last week's confusing egg and mirror trick, not everyone could agree on the cause of this optical illusion.

"The video slowed down reveals that a paint tool was used to create the illusion," one person said. Not everyone was on the same page. "It's not an edit. He kicks both feet up at the same time and makes an illusion." Personally, I have to side with the second person and say that the combination of black pants and shoes come together to make an unedited fall look like a foot swap. What do you think?

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Categories: Ouch Wtf Cool Stuff

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