
Guy Attempts to Pour Boiling Water on a Frozen Windshield but Spills It on Himself Instead

If there is one thing you should know about driving a car in the winter times it's that pouring boiling water on your windshield is a BAD idea. 

Yeah sure it might help you defrost your windshield in seconds flat, it will also ensure you need a new windshield when it's all said and done.  Good thing for this guy, someone up above was looking out for him and his car.

As he scurries down the sidewalk, two pots of boiling water in each hand (what do they say about running with a knife?) the frozen ground proved too slippery for his feet, falling on his butt and burning the crap out of himself with (you guessed it) boiling water. 

So let this be a lesson to you, just buy an ice scraper and don't sleep in. 


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